By V.Rev.Thomas P.Mundukuzhy Cor Episcopa
(A Renowned Writer And Publisher. Author of many Christian Devotional Books. Sunday School Director of American Diocese, Malankara Orthodox Church.)


  1. Sunday School Day of the American Diocese... presenting our growing children before God in the church.

  2. To follow the Law, Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to the Lord for a life service (First born to be presented to God in rememberance of the exile bondage experience)

  3. We have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. So we have to submit ourselves before God. We are not of ours (1 Corinthians 6:19).

  4. Because they were too poor to offer a lamb (Leveticus 12:8), they offered turtle doves or young pigeons for purification.

  5. Two prophets (Simon and Anna) witnessed the presentation of Infant Jesus at the temple.

  6. Church is the temple, house of God (1Timothy 3:15). The holiness of its members is the wealth of the Church. God's presence in the Church show through worship and Godly people's presence (Simon and Anna there).

  7. Simon is a model for pleasing service to our Lord: righteous, dedicated, looking for the coming of the Messiah, and was directed by the Holy Spirit. He held Jesus in His hands.

  8. Simeon's great purpose for living had been fulfilled.

  9. Simeon's three prophecies: (1) Jesus will cause for the fall and rise of many (2) Jesus is a sign from God, and (3) Mary would be pierced with grief at the crucifixion of her son (Luke 2:35): Fear, sorrow, doubts of the unwedded pregnancy, no place to deliver, wandering with the child, afraid of the ruler, leaving the child in the temple, becoming widow, son leaving home at 30, threats from the Jewish leaders, trial scene, sight of son carrying the cross, crucifixion, death and burrial - all these made her sword to pierce her heart..

  10. The spiritual attitudes of the people will be revealed through the acceptance or rejection of Christ.

  11. The 84 year old Anna was a regular prayer attendant with prayers and fastings.

  12. Anna who witnessed the presentation spread the news.

  13. Jesus, like John (1:80), grew and became strong with divine strength.

LEVETICUS 12:1-8; 19:30-37

  1. Israel placed higher value on a son over a daughter. Uncleanliness for a son is 40 days, but 80 days for a daughter.

  2. Burnt offering and Sin offering after the purification days for atonement.

  3. If cannot afford a lamb, two turtle doves or two young pigeons to be offered.

  4. Everybody shall keep the Sabbath.

  5. Do not go after spiritism to choose darkness rather than light.

  6. Honor the senior citizens: Proverbs 23:22; 1 Timothy 5:1; Lamentations 5:12.

  7. Love strangers, not just only neighbors

  8. Be honest in judgment and dealings

  9. "I am the Lord" ... used 13 times in this chapter.

PROVERBS 6:20-24; 23:22-26

  1. Observe a good father's command

  2. Follow the law of a loving mother.

  3. These commandments and laws are those of God.

ISAIAH 11:1-10

  1. The promise of the Messiah

  2. The Messiah will be descendant of David, the stem of Jesse.

  3. God's spirit will rest upon Him

  4. He will fear the Lord

  5. He will judge the world with righteousness

  6. The death and destruction will be defeated and arrogance and pomp will not be signs of leadership

  7. The gentiles will seek Him.

ACTS 24:10-23

  1. Paul denies the accusation against him.

  2. Paul affirms that most of his accusers shared the resurrection of the just and unjust.

  3. Every Christian should have a clear conscience.

  4. Paul brought a gift from the gentile Churches to the Christians at Jerusalem as an expression of thanks (1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Romans 15:25-33).

  5. Paul got liberty and friends got visitation privileges.

EPHESIANS 3:13-21; 6:1-4

  1. The truth will be realized in our lives.

  2. The Holy Spirit cleanses and empowers the heart

  3. The basic Christian growth: strengthened by the Spirit, have the indwelling Christ, and to be established in the love.

  4. We have to be rooted like a tree and grounded in the love.

  5. In Christian faith, we can grasp the magnitude of God's love.

  6. The fulness of this love passes our human knowledge: the fulness of the blessing (Romans 15:29).

  7. God's power works in us with His blessings.

  8. Children are ought to obey their parents (6:1-3). In 5:22, wives are told to be submissive.

  9. Parents should not be unreasonably severe with children; instruct and correct them consistently to serve the Lord.


  1. John's ministry ends and Jesus' starts after baptism and temptation . .. preached against immorality and sin ... pointed out the flaws and to change the attitudes: St. paul (Acts 17:30), St. Peter (2 Peter 3:9), John the Baptist (Matthew 3:6). The Church has to continue the same kind of ministry.

  2. Jesus fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy: 8:9; 9:1-2).

  3. Jesus is the light of the world. People in the dark saw the light of eternity at the Public Ministry of Christ. Those who heard Him turned from darkness to light. God's salvation is provided to them.

  4. Jesus 's first preaching ... preached to repent ... to change one's life, to turn away from sin to God and also not to repeat the mistakes (2 Corinthians 7:8-10) --- prodigal son, Mary Magdaline, Zaaccheus, Peter, thief ---, to lead pure life and good works ... to change habits .... should have God's works: 1 Corinthians 15:10; Romans 14:8 ... with Holy Spirit: John 10:8; Acts 2:36). A habit is a learned pattern of acting - a way of behaving that has become routine. We are creatures of habit. When we develop bad habits, we have to change. We have to reinforce good habits and discourage bad ones.


    Admit we have a bad habit


    Evaluate why we are doing it - childhood conditioning, subconscious desires, rational or irrational fears, peer pressure, bad influence ( Ephesians 2:2).


    Realize that there is a way to break the bad habit. There is a struggle to do it (Romans 7:19-20). We have to work hard.


    Need conviction: convince that it is worth it. If there is a will, there is a way.


    Change immediately, not graduaaly. Stop the negative habit immediately. Don't go after the temptation.


    Help others to break the habit. We need God's help for a happy, productive, outgoing change of human nature. We have to live God's ay which gives us strength: Philippians 4:13.

  5. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand because Christ is here. It is the heavenly experience: Romans 14:17.

  6. Jesus called the first Apostles ... called Simon Peter and Andrew to leave the old sinful way of life. Also called James and John .... all fishermen were called by name..

  7. God selected Jacob, Moses, David, etc., in the Old Testament to lead. Christ selected fishermen and ordinary people. Went from Nazareth to Galilee to select the disciples from the Gentiles: 1 Corinthians 1:28-29.

  8. They left their belongings - boat and net - and followed Him without questioning, not expecting any reward. Not possible for every one.

  9. The disciples called were masters of their trade ... fishermen, tax collector, tent builder, etc. Church grows through the works of such faithfuls. Rich or poor, illiterate or learned, employer or employee, all are parts of one body, Jesus Christ. Shouldn't be any kind of tug of war. Should have mutual respect: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.

  10. Patience, perseverence, and hard work needed to do the work: 1 Corinthians 2:2; John 1:38.

GENESIS 25:19-34

  1. Isaac pleaded for children and God granted his plea.

  2. We could inquire of the Lord when we do not understand: v.22.

  3. God's people are always subject to His interventions: 1 Corinthians 1:20-21.

  4. Esau and Jacob were born when Isaac was sixty years old.

  5. Isaac loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob.

  6. Esau old his birthright to Jacob for the stew he cooked.

2 KINGS 5:1-14

  1. Naaman was an honorable man, but a leper:


    Victory to the country because of Naaman:(5:1): Through us, blessings to others, not headache.


    The Lord gave victory (5:1); success in our life not because of our merit, but because of God's mercy.


    Naaman became a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master (5:1): not gave him any high position or any special reward: Do not expect too much or an immediate reward.


    Naaman was a mighty man (5:1): No use of those who don't do anything. Some people just talk, but no action.


    He was a leper (5:1): Many are like this: From an honorable family, but hits his wife; educated, but smoker and alcoholic; married, but immoral life; church goer, but do not receive communion; spiritual worker, but no family prayer at home. What is our leprosy?


    No treatment for leprosy in those days: Not sought God's help. Reconcile with others? Stop gossipping? Stop utter lies? Pride, jealous, etc. to stop? Need self-examination. Need treatment when see color changes in the skin: Repentance, fasting, prayer. In 1989, "Washington for Jesus" ... President Reagon apologized for all the errors and mistakes in the past; white man and black man forgave each other: cf. 1 Chronicle 21:8 (David); 2 Chronicles 7:12-14 (Solomon); Psalm 131:2; 84:5-7. Miriam became a lepor because of her sin (Numbers 12:10); Uzziah, a lepor, all his life (2 Chronicles 26:9-21). The days of the mourning shall be ended (Isaiah 60:20).

  2. The mission of the waitress: her master to seek the help of the prophet, Elisha. Because of a little slave girl, Naaman was cured.

  3. When he heard of the prophet, Naaman went (with silver and gold)

  4. Elisha told Naaman to go and wash in Jordan seven times

  5. Hesistently (had doubts) Naaman did and was cleaned

  6. Jordan is foreshadow of Jesus Christ: When took bath, he was cured.

  7. Naaman who came with gold returned cured with two male-loads of earth.

  8. The importance of the earth that touched the footsteps of a holy man.

ISAIAH 49:8-13

  1. The return from Babylon is an image of a much deeper and greater return:cf. 11:1-12; 35:3-10; 61:4-7; 63:10-12

  2. The people return because of the Servant.

ACTS 2:37-47

  1. Repent and be baptized (Mark 1:4) in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit: John 17:20; Acts 11:16-17

  2. 3000 people received Jesus Christ

  3. The fivefold results of conversion: steadfastness, doctrine, fellowship, eating together and prayers

  4. Wonders and signs reinforced their teaching: Mark 16:17; Hebrews 2:4

  5. Stewardship: Sharing of goods for the benefit of the less fortunate

  6. In Christ, everybody together, not in isolation

  7. This leads to have favor with all the people.


  1. Holiness (v.4) 2. Adoption (5-6)

  2. Redemption (7-8) 4. Knowledge of His will (9-10)

  3. Eternal inheritance (11-14)

MARK 1:14-34

  1. John the Baptist who prepared for Jesus' Ministry was imprisoned

  2. Jesus continued the preaching about repentance and belief

  3. Jesus called disciples Simon and Andrew while they were working

  4. Jesus spoke with authority and they immediately followed Him

  5. James and John also followed Him immediately leaving their occupation and family

  6. Jesus demonstrated His divine power in word (v.21) and deed (vv.22-28) by healing a man with unclean spirit and also Simon's mother -in-law (1 Corinthians 9:5), and several others who were sick and demon possessed.

  7. Jesus doesn't want them to spread the news then (1:34,44; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26), only after He had risen from the dead (8:30; 9:9). He did not want to believe in Him based upon demonic testimony. Only at trial, Jesus claimed He is Christ (14:62).

JOHN 1:18-28

  1. Only Jesus Christ had seen God the Father

  2. John the Baptist declared that he is not Christ, nor Elijah (Malachi 4:5) or the prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18)

  3. John is a herald preparing the Way for the Lord's coming: Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1

  4. John's humility: Not worthy to loose the sandal strip of Jesus.


  1. Nineveh Fast, one of the Five, only for the Orthodox Church... for repentance and confession.

  2. Jonah was son of Amittai (Joshua 19:10-13; 2 Kings 14:25). Lived between B.C. 818-768 during the times of Kings Josiah and Jeroboam.

  3. Jonah: Dove:
  4. Harmless as dove: Matthew 10:16

  5. Have wings like a dove to fly away to rest: Psalms 55:6

  6. Mourn and moan like a dove: Isaiah 38:14; 59:11

  7. Descend like a dove: Matthew 3:16

  8. Jesus was born from St. Mary who was blameless like a dove.

  9. Nineveh, a city of the Gentiles on the East's Iraq. Joppa is modern Jaffa, a seaport for Jerusalem in Old Testament times. Tarshish was on the West. God called Jonah, but he did not like to preach in Nineveh. He did not care for the salvation of his enemies. So he ran away...instead of East, to the West, instead of on the land, went through the sea. He listened, but did against. Went 2000 miles West, instead of 500 miles East. Like away from God during prayer, fasting, Sacramental services, etc.

  10. "Arise and go": God told to Jonah to go to Nineveh; but he went to Tarshish (Bird flew away from the cage. "How far" king asked. "About five miles" was the answer. So still in the garden. We are in His garden).

  11. Jonah's sins (1:2):


    Went away


    Went to the bottom


    Went to sleep.

  12. Lost sleep...problem to everybody...lost mental peace.

  13. Arise and pray (1:6): First God told him to arise. Now, the captain, a gentile.

  14. It is high time to awake out of sleep: Romans 13:11

  15. Sleeping in sin: Samson (Judges 13-16)...alcohol, drugs, hoarding wealth, etc.

  16. In laziness: Proverbs 6:6-9; Talents hid: Matthew 25:26.

  17. 4 kinds of Christians:

    Nasli: By birth


    Nakli: By imitation


    Fasli: Special occasions...Festival days only, like Christmas, Good Friday, Elections, etc.


    Asli: Actual Christians with fruits of the spirit: Galatians 5:22 (Love, joy, patience, etc.)

  18. Jonah was punished for disobedience: Thrown into the sea.

  19. God saved him from the belly of the fish

  20. Jonah repented and prayed: Psalms 18:6; 31:6; 42:3, 7, 32; 69:1; 116:17-18; 120:1. God's words: Psalms 119:50.

  21. Nineveh's conversion. When we change and repent, God comes to our rescue. Isaiah 1:10-20; Joel 2:12-13; John 3:10; 6:37.

  22. Importance of running to God; through prayer, meditation, offering, charity works.

  23. Running with God: Enoch walked with God. So also Elijah, disciples, etc.

  24. Running infront of God: Disturbance, destruction, desperation and punishment. God's gift of a plant for shade, punishment of damaging and withering the plant with a worm and the vehement east wind that made the sun beat on Jonah's head. Fasting and repentance help to get back to God. Wash and clean: Isaiah 1:15-16.

  25. Jonah is Church and the sailors, world.

GENESIS 18:23-33

  1. Abraham, the intercessor stood before the Lord and pleaded for the salvation of others.

  2. Abraham asked mercy from God with humility.

  3. God was ready to go thousands of wicked unpunished if He had found at least ten righteous people were found.

  4. Only one righteous person was found, and Lot was spared though the city was not.

JOSIAH 7:6-20

  1. When Israel was defeated, Joshua knelt down before the ark of the Lord and prayed.

  2. Joshua had not forsaken God, but the people did.

  3. God wanted to sanctify.

  4. Achan was identified by casting lots: cf. 1 samuel 14:41-42.

  5. Achan confessed his sins: vv. 20ff.

EXODUS 22:28-30

  1. Give respect to human authorities and revered God.

  2. Offer first produce and first born to God.

EXODUS 23:1-9

  1. Testimony must always be dependable and faithful.

  2. The morality of an individual is greater than that of the crowd.

  3. Do not show partiality even to the disadvantaged.

  4. Help your enemies

  5. Keep away from false matters.

  6. Do not kill.

  7. Do not take bribe ... it leads to corruption.

  8. Show care and friendship to strangers ... do not oppress them.

NUMBERS 5:5-10

  1. A person who offends another is to confess the sin and make restitution.

  2. Restitution requires more than compensation: Leviticus 5:16.

ISAIAH 19:17-22

  1. Egypt will come to Judah to seek God.

  2. They will all return to God.

ISAIAH 57:13-19

  1. He who puts His trust in God will be blessed.

  2. Peace to the contrite, not to the wicked.

  3. Self-centered desire of refusal to submit to God in trust and obedience cause backsliding: Luke 8:13-14.

  4. God restores the repentant, but His peace is not available to those who persist in their wickedness: Psalms 1:6.

ISAIAH 41:17-26

  1. When the poor and needy seek water, God provides: salvation.

  2. The idols cannot do anything because they are "nothing."


  1. Jonah was told to go to Nineveh, the gentile capital of Assyria, a symbol of power and might but was hated by all the people, to call for repentance.

  2. Instead, Jonah fled to Tarshish in a ship, the opposite direction from Nineveh foolishly believing that changing locations would remove him from his mission.

  3. Everyone in the ship cried to his God except Jonah who went to the bottom part of the ship and slept.

  4. The captain found him and told him to arise and pray.

  5. The lot fell on Jonah and he was questioned.

  6. What is your occupation? Where do you come from? What is your country? Of what people are you?

    Three weaknesses to Jonah:

    went away


    Went to


    Slept ... sin.

    First God told him: "Arise and go"; Here the Gentile captain: "Arise and pray"

  7. Jonah said that he fears the Lord ... but not really.

  8. Jonah accepted his responsibility and punishment for his own actions.

  9. They made every effort to save Jonah even risking their own lives (v.13).

  10. They prayed to Jonah's God ... became an agent of evangelism.

  11. Fish swallowed Jonah --- three days and three nights in its belly: Matthew 12:40; Luke 11:30.

JONAH 2:1-10

Jonah's prayer: cf. Psalms 9, 30, 145:21: Told his distress, cried to God, and God responded.

JONAH 3:1-10

  1. "Arise": Second time (1:2; 3:2)

  2. Jonah went to Nineveh and preached to repent.

  3. Proclaimed a fast for repentance.

  4. The king also followed the suit and published the decree.

  5. God changed His mind in response to their action - repentance (see Ahab and Manassah: 1 Kings 21:29; 2 Chronicles 33:12-13).

JONAH 4:1-11

  1. Jonah got angry because Assyria was not destroyed.

  2. God's loving kindness: God is gracious and meciful.

  3. An angry Jonah was ready to die: worldly mind (Romans8:7-8).

  4. Unholy attitudes to be changed.

  5. Jonah made himself a shelter and the shade of the plant gave him protection.

  6. The worm damaged the plant and the sun beat on Jonah's head (bald?) which made him angry again.

  7. God showed His sympathy, love and concern toward His creation: The universal love and the sovereignty of God (storm and wind).

ACTS 8:9-25

  1. Philip preached in Samaria

  2. Many, including Simon the sorcerer, accepted Jesus Christ.

  3. Jerusalem Church sent Peter and John to Samaria who laid hands (13:1-3; 1 Timothy 4:14) on the Samaritan believers to receive the Holy Spirit.

  4. Simon's offer of money to receive the power and Peter's rebuke.

  5. Spiritual power is a gift of God to be used for the blessing of the Church. To try to obtain with money or by one's own work for selfish ends is great wickedness.

  6. It is not sure whether Simon really repented and received pardon.

  7. The Apostles preached in many villages of Samaria and thus Samaritans became an accepted part of the Church.

ACTS 13:6-12

  1. Barnabas and Saul preached in Cyprus.

  2. The sorcerers prevented them to preach to the proconsul, Sergius Paulus.

  3. Saul (Paul) got angry that resulted the sorcerer became blind.

  4. Paul took the leadership from Barnabas.

  5. This demonstration brought faith in the Gospel.

2 PETER 2:1-8

  1. There are false prophets and teachers to lead the Church astray. Deceivers come in Christ's name (Matthew 24:5), claiming His authority and in His name. 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 talk about satan's ministers. God tests us certain times (Deuteronomy 13:1-3). How to distinquish false prophets (Revelationn 13:3), false ministers (Mark 13:22), and other gods (2 Corinthians 11:13-14)? (1) No light in them (Isaiah 8;20; 5:20). (2) Keep commandments (1 John 2:4 cf. Ezekiel 22:26; Hosea 4:6). Performing a miracle or foretelling a future event is not the criteria of a true prophet; should be a commandment keeper, not a breaker.

  2. There will be evil talk of true Christians.

  3. The false teachings can be for financial gain or to gain followers.

  4. Cake unturned: Hosea: 7:8-9 (See only one side)


    They are lovers of being religious only in appearance; turn away from them: 2 Timothy 3:5


    Idle talkers: 1 Timothy 1:5: Quote verses for anything and everything (Psalm 115:17-18); preach against truth: Titus 1:10.


    No comparison between their talks and acts: 1 Timothy 1:5f; Titus 1:11.


    Engage in speculative arguments: 2 Timothy 2:14


    Give heed to unimportant things: 1 Timothy 4:1


    Distract women: 2 Timothy 3:6



    Mouths must be stopped: Titus 1:11: study our faith.


    Reject them: Titus 3:10: Should not allow to turn the beautiful vineyard into a vegetable garden: 1 kings 21:1f


    Turn them away: Titus 3:10.

  5. God punishes false teachers like the angels who sinned (v.4. cf. Matthew 25:4; Jude 6), the ancient world of Noah's day (v.5; Genesis 6:5-8:22), and Sodom and Gomorrah (v.6; Genesis 19: 1-26).

  6. God delivers those faithful in trials (v.9): Noah and righteous Lot.

JAMES 4:7-17

  1. For full spiritual life, draw near and submit to God, resist the devil, cleanse our hands and purify our hearts (Psalms 24:3-7). When we submit our will to God, we can effectively resist the devil.

  2. Lament, mourn, and weep toward past unfaithfulness: Luke 18:13-14.

  3. Humble to be lifted up: Job 22:29; Luke 14:11; 18:14; 1 Peter 5:6.

  4. Do not belittle others (Matthew 7:1-5). If we speak evil of others, we violate God's law of love. Do not judge others.

  5. Do not ignore the brevity of life.

  6. Omission is as serious as commission: Luke 12:47-48.


  1. Paul joins thanksgiving for their faith.

  2. The Apostle only heard of the Colossian Christians through Epaphras (v.7): Our relationship with God through faith leads to a relationship with other Christians through love.

  3. The hope of heaven helps us continue in faith and love through Christ.

  4. Hearing of God's grace and really experiencing that grace are different. The Colossians both heard and experienced.

  5. Epaphras, the leader and probably the founder of the Colossian Church (4:12-13).

  6. Paul prayed for them regularly.

  7. Knowledge of His will makes possible a life of holiness to increase.

  8. When we are strengthened by God, His glorious power enables us to bear trials patiently and even with joy.

  9. We share in the present and future inheritance God gives to His saints.

  10. Christ's death that delivered us and brings forgiveness make us to live joyfully under the authority of the Son.

ROMANS 1:18-32

  1. God's judgment is a fact. Refusal to honor God's authority and wrong and unjust actions result in God's wrath.

  2. Even Gentiles honor and thank the Almighty God.

  3. When we ignore God's power, we worship idols reducing God to the form of corruptible man or animals.

  4. This may lead to sexual immorality among men and women.

  5. Those who knowingly and wilfully resist God with unrighteousness will be judged accordingly.

JAMES 1:13-27

  1. One who overcomes temptation will be blessed: Job 5:17; Luke 6:22; Hebrews 10:36; James 5:11.

  2. Those who love Him receive the reward of eternal life: Revelation 2:10.

  3. God does not tempt, but He permits satan to tempt us: Job 1:9-12; Matthew 4:1.

  4. The origin, progress and outcome of sin: thoughts, desires, acceptance and action... then death: Genesis 3:6, 22-24.

  5. Every gift that God gives is for our good.

  6. Tests draw us closer to Him: 1 Corinthians 10:13.

  7. God is the Creator of the Sun, moon and stars as well as father of all our spiritual illumination and blessings.

  8. God made us new persons in Christ by the word of truth found in the Gospel.

  9. We are all His firstfruits. Many others will follow.

  10. We should not give way to anger (Ephesians 4:31), but follow what He says.

  11. We should abandon all our old habits, thoughts and actions.

  12. We have to do what God wants us to do. Be doers, not just hearers: Matthew 7:21.

  13. Because God's grace frees us from sin, we have to obey His laws.

  14. Mere religious observance is not enough. We shall restrain our tongue from speaking evil of others, show practical concern for those in need, and keep ourselves pure from sin.


  1. We are all members of one body.

  2. We are so personally united with Christ as one body (Genesis 2:24) and cannot be united with a harlot.

  3. Our relationship with the Lord is far stronger and more intimate that enables us to think and act according to God's will: John 17:22-23.

  4. Do not give consideration to sexual sin as it leaves a permanent scar on our personality.

  5. Holy Spirit comes from God as the special gift of the Father (Acts 1:4-5) and dwells within us.

  6. God gave a price for us by the death of Christ on the cross so that we have to completely surrend Him: Romans 12:1-2.


  1. No fornication and uncleanness among us.

  2. No filthiness, foolish talking or coarse jesting: they do not honor God.

  3. Those who distant life in these ways do not inherit the kingdom of God.

  4. Do not be influenced by people who are so far from God and His will.

  5. Those who are blind to the things of God are now filled with God's truth and righteousness so that to walk as children of light showing the fruit of the spirit.

  6. No fellowship with evil persons in their evil deeds and in their wickedness.

  7. The truth of Christ shows the nature of evil deeds and transform the sinner.

  8. Live thoughtfully using the time well and doing God's will.

  9. Being drunk brings dissipation, but life in the spirit leads to self-control, joyful worship of God, and our mutual submission to each other.

MATTHEW 12: 31-41

  1. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unpardonable sin. Jesus cast out demons through the work of the Holy Spirit. But the Pharisees rejected this claim.

  2. One cannot claim to be good when the fruit of his life is bad. We have to keep our attitudes, actions and words consistently good. A TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT.

  3. Absurd accusations will be condemned on the day of judgment.

  4. Those who refuse to believe will not accept any kind of miracles.

  5. Jonah's deliverance from the fish was a sure sign that his mission was from God. Jesus' resurrection would verify His person and mission.

  6. The preaching of Jesus on the kingdom is greater than the preaching of Jonah on repentance or the wise judgments given by Solomon. So the Ninevites who repented at Jonah's preaching and the queen who travelled a distance to hear Solomon will condemn those who rejected Jesus.

MATTHEW 7:1-12

  1. Avoid critical, fault finding attitude toward others.

  2. God is the judge.

  3. Criticism will be responded with criticism and kindness with kindness.

  4. The person critical of other's small fault often covers his own large fault. Live the way you expect others to live before criticize them.

  5. Warn the evil persons (Ezekiel 3:19), but do not push if they do not repent because they may resent and attack..

  6. Ask, seek and knock in confidence through our prayers in Almighty God whose love surpasses the love of human father.

  7. God gives His Holy Spirit to those who ask (Luke 11:13) through whom we receive our blessings.

  8. Do for others all the things we want them to do for us ... a life of loving others which makes us perfect: Matthew 5:48.

LUKE 4:24-32

  1. Jesus was rejected at Nazareth as were Elijah and Elisha by the Israelites. Only the widow in Sidon (1 Kings 17:9; James 5:17) and Naaman, the Syrian (2 Kings 5:1-14) received blessings.

  2. The blessings of the Gospel to be given to the Gentiles.

  3. They got angry and Jesus left.

  4. Jesus' ministry in Capernaum was successful in contrast to that of Nazareth.

MATTHEW 24:36-44

  1. Only God knows the exact day of the end time.

  2. Judgment comes unexpectedly so that we should be always ready: Flood: Genesis 6:3-5.

  3. The Son of Man comes at an enexpected time: 1 Thessalonians 5:24; Revelation 3:3.

LUKE 11: 5-13; 27-36

  1. If we ask persistently, we receive.

  2. Persistent and urgent prayer: ask, seek, knock produce results.

  3. Do the work of God rather than feel good and talk about it: Matthew 7:21.

  4. Jesus' death and resurrection would be the only sign for them.

  5. As Jonah was delivered from death in the belly of the great fish, Jesus would be raised from death: Matthew 12:39-40.

  6. Queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10:1-10) came to listen to Solomon. Jesus is greater than Solomon or Jonah.

  7. Only those who receive His light see Him clearly. Those who refuse Him remain in darkness.

  8. Truth received brings the light helps to live as God requires. Truth rejected leaves nothing but darkness.

MATTHEW 12: 38-50

  1. Jesus did not oblige to their demand for more signs.

  2. Jonah's deliverance from the belly of the fish: Jesus' death and resurrection.

  3. When we reject Jesus who came to deliver us from evil, we become empty which would be filled with worse evil.

  4. Obedience to the will of the Father is more important than kinship with Jesus.

LUKE 12: 54-13:9

  1. People failed to understand the significance of His coming.

  2. To choose what is right is very important.

  3. Misfortune is not always the result of sinful living: Jesus' examples.

  4. God is gracious and patient, but there is a limit.


  1. "Pray for me" at the dismissal of Holy Qurbana.. Alive or not, the congregation has to pray for the clergy. Remember them: Hebrews 13:7.

  2. Priest is mediator: Messenger of God's army. Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd and the priests are His successors. He enters through the door. He calls by name and leads. He goes before his flocks. He lays down his life for the sheep. He is concerned for the safety of the flock. As a mediator, the priest communicates the will of God to his people (Deuteronomy 33:8-10)... here by means of Thummim and Urim.

  3. Priests offer sacrifices: Peace Offering, Sin Offering, Burnt Offering. Christ was offered on the cross. Holy Eucharist, a repetition.... Give "spiritual" food, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

  4. Priests endure sufferings: Day today life. Joseph spent years for a crime he didn't commit; Moses spent 40 years in the thick of the wilderness; Abraham spent many years for the promised land; Paul asked three times to remove the thorns; Job survived his ordeals.

  5. Use the talent wisely: The master has good expectations: "What did you do with the talent?" is the question. Visit orphans and widows and lead a virteous life (Matthew 25:37-40; James 1:26). Give spiritual food to the household of the Master. Maintain the stewardship. Do it carefully (Ecclesiastes 9:10) to make everything a success.

  6. Support: "Who rule well be counted worthy of double honor" (1 Timothy 5:17). Aaron and Hur supported Moses' arms (Exodus 17:10-12). Help and support (Hebrews 13:7, 17; Matthew 10:40-42; Ephesians 6:18-20). Teach and preach. Doing the will of God is the idealistic priesthood.

  7. The services of the clergy must be recognized with great concern. Church should have great concern for the select proper ones. Shall receive righteous men's reward: Matthew 10:40-42.

  8. Priests give birth (1 Corinthians 4:4-16) through baptism: Titus 3:6-7.

  9. They prepare the members to be ready for His second coming. No one knows what time Christ comes ... like a thief (1 Thessalonians 5:2-4; Revelation 3:3) Everyone should be faithful and wise; should not grow lax. Do it for His glorification: 1 Corinthians 10:31.

NUMBERS 20:23-29

  1. Aaron died on the top of Mount Hor (when he was famous)

  2. Aaron's garments stripped and put them on Eleazar, Aaron's son. Who will succeeded Aaron?.

  3. They mourned for him thirty days. We too.

  4. Gathered to his people (Deuteronomy 52:50): Not lost.


  1. God showed Moses the new land before he died at the age of 120.

  2. People mourned for him 30 days.

ISAIAH 65:13-20

  1. The disobedient shall be hungry, thirsty, ashamed, and cry for sorrow.

  2. The reward for God's servant is a new creation where the effects of sin will no longer be known.


  1. Obedience: Two anointed ones: Joshua and Zerubabel (Haggai 1:12-14). They obeyed God's command (Ezra 5:2). They built, not only the building, but each member.

  2. Negligence: Dwell in panelled house while the temple is in ruins (Haggai 1:4-8). Fallen individuals and societies and families. If we rebuild, we will be blessed.

  3. Four Important things to do:


    Walk in His ways


    Keep His command: Leviticus 8:35; Ezekiel 44:16


    Judge His house: Deuteronomy 17:9, 12


    Have charge of His court: court of the Gentiles.

  4. Vision: Zechariah 4: No mission without vision. His mercy: Paul, Timothy, many others.

  5. Clothe with rich robes: Zechariah 3:4-5: Vestments

  6. Responsibility to keep the commandments and build the Church.

ACTS 20; 25-38

  1. Shepherding the Church of God is the main responsibility of clergy.

  2. Watch for distractors and destructers of the Church.

  3. Paul ministered three years in Ephesus with prayers and tears.

  4. With full dependence on God through His words, we can build ourselves and our Church.

  5. Paul and his associates labored and earned their livings.

  6. Support the weak and the sick.

  7. "It is more blessed to give than to receive"

  8. After prayer and embracing, they said farewell to Paul..

1 THESSALONIANS 4:13-15:11

  1. Those who died before Jesus' return will not be left out.

  2. Christians already dead will rise before those still live and will join Christ with us.

  3. No one knows the exact time of His coming ... like the coming of a thief in the night: Luke 21:34; 1 Thessalonians 5:4; Revelation 3:3; 16:15.

  4. Christians are children of light and day (godliness), not of darkness (sinfulness).

  5. Be ready as a good soldier for battle ... armed with faith, love, and the hope of salvation (Ephesians 6:14-17): spiritual warfare.

  6. No heathen god died for others, only Jesus.

  7. We have to comfort and edify each other.

MATTHEW 25: 13-29

  1. Here "a man" is Christ and "servants" are disciples.

  2. According to his ability, talents were given in each one's care

  3. The first two servants made responsible use of the money and were "good" and "faithful" (vv. 21, 23)

  4. The third one did nothing to increase his master's trust: wicked, lazy, fearful and self-interested: vv.25-26.

  5. The basis of reward is how faithfully we serve, not how much we have. He who had five talents and two talents received the same commendation.

  6. The reward is greater responsibilities and joy of fellowship with Christ.

  7. The third one criticized his master instead of loved and respected. He did not try to fulfill his lord's trust. He was very lazy.

  8. Refusal to use our spiritual benefits results in their loss.

LUKE 19: 11-27

  1. The noble man is Jesus, far country is heaven. He will return later to establish His kingdom on the earth.

  2. His servants are to be diligent in kingdom business until His return.

  3. Those who refused to accept His son would die: vv. 24, 27.

  4. Each one must answer for himself when called to account for the assignments.

  5. Those who are faithful receive commendation and reward.

  6. The wicked blamed his mater even without trying to gain interest.

  7. He who is diligent finds wider openings; he who fails to use the opportunity finds less chance for advancement.


  1. Living and departed faithfuls make the Church. Pray for blessings (2 Corinthians 5:9); souls of the dead worship God (Revelations 7:15); if not hard-heartened, possible ( 1 Peter 3:19). Moses took the relics of Joseph, after 400 years to the promised land (Genesis 5:25; Exodus 13:19). The relics of the saints are powerful (2 Kings 13:20-21). Those who believe in Christ never die. They have eternal life. When Nehemiah and the supporters confessed their's and the departed one's sins and prayed (Nehemiah 9:2) and remembered their faithful departed, they were able to complete the works of the walls of Jerusalem.

  2. Pray for them and offer Holy Qurbana in remembrance: 1 Timothy 5:4.

  3. Accept the reality of the dead. Paul considers it as a gain.

  4. Be prepared while on earth for the consequence after death. To be accepted by Him, we have to be repented, and our faith in Jesus must be made visible in doing God's will. In self-forgetful generosity, we show our faith.

  5. Be ready to answer at the judgment when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory judging the righteous and the wicked as sheep and goats, blessing with His right hand and rejecting with His left hand and assuming his role as king.

  6. Good and bad resurrect. Good goes to life and bad goes to judgment. Good starts that blissful experience even when on earth; shall hear His words while alive. The unrighteous are not only those who do evil, but also those who failed to do good.

  7. Help others (Luke 12:32ff). Be ready to open the door for the Master whenever He comes.

  8. Dead body of the faithful will be live by Holy Spirit: Romans 8:11.

  9. Christ's followers may be few, but because they follow His leadership, God gives His kingdom to them.

  10. Give up material wealth if it hinders from following Christ (Luke 18:18-30) or administer for God's glory and the world's benefit.

  11. He whose treasure is in heaven will fix his thoughts and affections on heavenly things. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34). We buy things that last long: car, clothes, watch, etc. But these things really don't last long: Naaman brought clothes to Elisha (2 Kings 5:5); Achan stole some clothes (Joshua 7:21). Rust eats away things. Thieves make holes to clay houses and steal. Worms destroy possessions. Even better clothes get decayed eventually. They give only temporary happiness. Some happiness become unattractive eventually because of physical weakness or mental developments. Also physical things can be stolen like money, ot be destroyed like a house built on sand. Our good deeds in this world are treasures in heaven. A man divided his wealth to the poor. His brother told him that their father made wealth and added to that of his fore-fathers; now you are destroying his and theirs. He replied that they made wealth for this world, but he is for the eternal world. Our character is the treasure. Gold, silver, or jewel do not follow death. "There are no pockets in a shroud". Give regard and concern for spiritual matters over worldly greatness and wealth. Our hearts should not be immersed in worldly pleasures and our eyes should have better goals. Saints are penitent sinners ... like St. Augustine, Mary Magadaline became the first missionary; Saul the persecvutor became Paul, the great missionary. "God sees a saint in the sinner."

  12. We must always be ready for the return of Jesus just as servants must be ready for the unannounced return of their master or a homeowner must be ready for the unexpected coming of a thief.

  13. A human master would not serve his servant. But Christ promises to serve us if we are faithfully watching for His return.

  14. We have a special obligation to be faithful in our responsibilities.

  15. The deliberate offenders will be treated as unbelievers.

  16. God holds us responsible according to the degree of our knowledge of His will.

  17. Resurrection of the Body: When Christ returns, those who have died in faith will be raised to life again (1 Corinthians 15:28; John 5: 25-29). The same very body one possesses is the same one that is going to be raised. Christ possessed the same body when He was risen - the scars in His hands and feet. "... when He is revealed, we shall be like Him..." (1 John 3:2; Philippians 3:21). There will be changes as outlined (1 Corinthians 15): Mortal - Immortal; Corruptible - Incorruptible; Glory - Dishonor; Power - Weakness; Spiritual - Natural. cf. 2 Corinthians 5: 1-4. When we are raised from the dead, we will possess spiritual bodies like the angels. After Christ's resurrection, entered the rooms while doors were shut. Also example of Philip (Acts 8: 39-40).

  18. Jesus is the resurrection (John 11:26). He does not love, abides in death (1 John 3:14). Spiritual crucifixion needed (Galatians 5:24; Luke 9: 23). Self-crucifixion and spiritual resurrection (Romans 6: 3-14; John 3: 3-5): Holy baptism, confession and communion.

GENESIS 49:33-50:13

  1. Jacob's death and mourning for 70 days.

  2. Joseph, with the permission of Pharaoh, burried the body in Canaan.

EZEKIEL 37:1-14

  1. The vision of the valley of dry bones: Pictorial form of 36: 16-38.

  2. "Very dry" bones indicate that they were dead for a long time.

  3. "Can these bones live?": a big question.

  4. "You know": a safe answer: Deutronomy 32:39; 1 Samuel 2:6; John 5:21; Romans 4:17; 2 Corinthians 1:9.

  5. Bones will live. With God, all things are possible: Matthew 19:26.

  6. Without the breath or spirit, bodies were still only corpses. When the spirit comes, life there - new hope: Isaiah 32:14-19; Joel 2:28-29. This promise was fulfilled at Pentecost.

  7. When the nation gone and the survivors were carried captive, they regarded themselves as dead.

  8. By divine invitation, dry skeletons were restored to livier bodies. Israel was restored from the grave of foreign exile by the Lord.

ISAIAH 38:10-20

  1. Hezekiah's lament after recovered from his sickness.

  2. God causes everything.

2 MACABIANS 12: 38-45

  1. Prayers and sacrifices for the dead are efficacious.

  2. Collections were taken to meet the expenses.

JAMES 3:1-12

  1. Preaching has great influence over others: teachers and preachers (Luke 20:47) are held more accountable.

  2. Disciplined speech is very important not to sin: Matthew 12:7.

  3. Sinful words have far-reaching consequences like horses' mouth, ships and forest fire. So control the tongue.

  4. Sin and the devil are the sources of evil tongue.

  5. We have God's help to tame our tongue. Pray like David: Psalm 19:14.

  6. Speech springs from inward character. Seek the Holy Spirit to cleanse the heart: Isaiah 6:5-7.

  7. A double-talking tongue is as incongruous in a Christian as fresh-and-salt water spring is in nature.

  8. By God's grace, the wisdom from above (v.17) we can overcome evil speaking.

1 CORINTHIANS 15:20-28

  1. The Christian hope lies in the resurrection of Jesus Christ who make us alive and death will be destroyed.

  2. As firstfruits after harvest, resurrection for all who follow Him.

  3. Death came through Adam (Romans 5:12). Jesus Christ overcame death by His resurrection. Faith in Him makes us alive.

  4. At the second coming, He defeats all the enemy and will deliver the kingdom to God the Father.

  5. At His resurrection God will put all things under Christ, and then Christ will bring all to God the Father that God may be all in all. Thus creation may be reconciled to God and redemption will be complete.


"I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope"

  1. The departed are sleeping: Lazarus was sleeping (John 11:11)... worked hard all the time....need rest...will arise after sleep. the morning when the sun rises, the sun of righteousness, Jesus Christ.

  2. They gather (unite) together to their people: Genesis 49: 29-33. Jacob and Aaron. All dead are waiting to welcome. {A riddle: "The person who makes it sells it. The person who buys it doesn't use it. The person who uses it doesn't know it. What is it? (Coffin).}

  3. They join Christ: For St. Paul, it is a gain: Philippians 1:21. What we see now through the mirror, we see then face to face. The patient to the doctor: "No more shots; I see golden gate over there."

  4. Promotion with transfer to glory. Angels to receive. Sorrow here; joy there. Because we see the light...Jesus Christ.

  5. We praise Him for ever and ever: Psalms 115:18... the dead and alive. Death is certain; time of death is uncertain.


  1. The death and resurrection of Lazarus .....

  2. Three kinds of death:


    Spiritual death ... separation of soul from God.


    Physical death ... soul from body. Here soul continues its life. Body parts go to the dust. Spirit continues its life in the spiritual world. Continuation depends upon our life here now. They wait for the second coming . Adam disobeyed; but didn't die physically and lived 930 years.


    Eternal death: No hope for salvation

  3. Good death: Death is gain: Philip. 1:21-23 ... to paradise. Bad death: to hell: Luke 16:23

  4. Still alive: Saul consulted with Samuel: 1 Samuel 28:15ff Jesus talked to Moses and Elijah: Matthew 17:3 Lazarus prayed: Luke 16: 27-28 Gospel to the dead: 1 Peter 4:5-6 "Grace period.".. pray for them.

  5. Four stages for a butterfly... cocoon

  6. Third day: Christ risen; Ninth day: Christ preached to the dead; Thirtieth day: Moses (Deuteronomy 34:8)...followers wept for 40 days; Fortieth day: Ascension. The departed soul with us for 40 days. We feel and see.

  7. Church Militant: When in the world Church Triumphant: When dead in faith Church Expectant: Waiting for judgment.


  1. "EYE HAS NOT SEEN, NOR EAR HEARD....": Isaiah 64:4; 65:17: Higher experiences.

  2. Fellowship with Christ and saints: Philippians 1:23; 2 Corinthians 5:8; John 14:1-3; Revelation 7:9-17.

  3. Grace needed: Souls pray to God: Revelation 7:9-17 They please God: 2 Corianthians 5:9 Jesus preached the Gospel to the dead: 1 Peter 3:18-19; 4:1.

  4. They can see us, we cannot see them: Hebrews 12:1; Luke 9:31-32 (Moses and Elijah) Comedian George Burns used to visit his wife's tomb very often and talked to her departed wife asking: "How are you doing, Googy."

  5. Pray for them: Hebrews 13:7.


Many who die live again; some enjoy eternal life; some eternal disgrace.

  1. "A good life has a good death." We will be rewarded according to our deeds when He comes again: Matthew 16:26-27.

  2. Birth is beginning in the mother's womb. Death is beginning of the eternal life with God. Life: 70-80 years: Psalms 90:10 Just a breath: Psalm 39:5 Going back to dust: Psalm 90:3 ..........Just a sleep: John 11:11 Death will resurrect: John 11:25-26 (Jesus); 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 (St. paul One who dies resurrects: 1 Corinthians 1%;42, 49. Resurrect at His second coming: 1 Corinthians 15:13-14 Hope not just life in this world: 1 Corinthians 15:19.

  3. After death, life with Christ: Our faith and hope: 1 Corinthians 15:20-21. They have victory over death: 15:55. Transformation at His second coming. Hidden with Christ: Colossians 3:3. Can think and see: Luke 16:19-31: Lazarus and the rich man. Can be converted: 1 Peter 3:9; 4:6: Jesus preached. We praise for ever: Psalms 115:17-18. Gentiles and idol worshippers are dead, even if they are alive. Lively state in dead: The repented thief: Luke 23:24. The dead continues as part of the Church: Ephesians 1:13; 4:4; Colossians 1:18, 24; 3:15.

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